February 2025 Newsletter

Coming Soon...... New SAU member's portal partnered with Glue Up !
SAU are having a short pause in some of our Membership administration services to allow for an IT system migration over the next 2 weeks, (more information here). *Please note that this does not affect any part of your membership. The new Glue Up member management software will allow us to streamline member administration and will allow you, our member to: create a profile in a members directory (optional public or private), subscribe to subgroups, mailing lists and events plus track your subscription payments from one login.
You will receive a separate email with more information on how to access your Glue Up account soon.
Meanwhile, if you have any membership enquiries please do email, but note that our membership admin team may not be able to respond to you immediately between 1-17th February.
You can reach the Membership Team at membership@artistsunion.scot
Thanks for your patience during this migration.

Artists Self-Publishing - free online series
Wednesdays 5th, 12th, 19th February 2025, 11am -12.30 Online via Zoom
Self-publishing can serve as a tool for activism and political possibilities, disseminating countercultural ideas to a large audience. Artists and activists have utilised self-publishing to access alternative channels to educate and inform, while empowering those who seek nonconformist narratives and see a gap in public space and representation.
This 3-part series of presentations and discussions will feature invited speakers from Black Lodge Press, Rosie’s Disobedient Press, Good Press, Glasgow Zine Library and artist Jacob Hoffman who initiated the Public Library project in Edinburgh’s Dissenter Space. It will be co-hosted with Iona Gibson, who is rooted in the zine community and co-founded the Highland Zine Bothy in Inverness last year.
Image credit: Artwork by Cj Reay, Black Lodge Press, 2025

Shifting Sands: New Horizons - free online workshops
Thursday 20th & Thursday 27th February 2-4.30pm, via Zoom.

Multi-Year Funding announcement for Creative Scotland's Regularly Funded Organisations
Climate & Sustainability Sub Group February Meeting.
Our next C & S Sub group will be held online via Zoom, on Wednesday 19th February at 5 - 5.45pm. Come along and join the discussion on all things climate related. Please email campaigns@artistsunion.scot for a Zoom link.

LGBT+ History Month in Scotland

Hypha Studios are offering a large exhibition space in Renfrew, Glasgow in their Open Call.
You can view the opportunity and learn more about Hypha Studios on their website.
Creative Workshop and Affordable Studios Survey, Scottish Borders
Do You Feel Strongly About AI and How It Might Affect You?
Artists' Petition - Stand against the unlicensed use of creative works for training generative AI
Do you work (either paid or voluntarily) with children, protected adults, or both? From 1st April 2025, you will be legally required to have PVG scheme membership. Read more here.